The Spectator Kyle Kinnie The Spectator Kyle Kinnie

Ed West & Niall Ferguson: Kemi vs Robert - Who Would Be the Best Tory Leader?

I have nothing against Robert Jenrick. I have never met him. I have never read him. And I strongly suspect he has never read Tom Sowell—and that is the point. Jenrick is such an archetypally uninspired Tory frontbencher that he’s earned the nickname ‘Robert Generic’, whereas Kemi has convictions. She has principles. This is hard for generic Tories to take. ‘She doesn’t suffer fools gladly,’ I have heard it said.

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History Niall Ferguson History Niall Ferguson

Oliver Hartwich with Niall Ferguson: Why It’s Dangerously Misguided to Ignore Threat of New Axis

Having worked at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney from 2008 to 2012, I know how inspirational the think tank’s annual Consilium conference can be. Last week’s gathering on the Gold Coast certainly was, not least because of a remarkable speech by the historian Niall Ferguson. Although Consilium operates under Chatham House rules (unattributed comment), Ferguson has given me permission to share insights from his keynote address. I am glad he did because his warnings could not be more timely.

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Economics & Politics Niall Ferguson Economics & Politics Niall Ferguson

Why Kamala Harris Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy - Both At Home and Abroad - than Donald Trump

He's back. Donald Trump, that is. Only weeks ago he was behind in the polls and being left for dust in the fundraising stakes. Now the race is too close to call - and he has the momentum. No wonder the Democrats are scaremongering. The fact that Kamala Harris has resorted to playing the Hitler card is a sign of desperation, so I'll go ahead and say it. She's losing this election.

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