Trump 2.0 Borrows a Ton from Richard Nixon—But 37th President’s Playbook Also Had Big Risks
Congratulations, Donald Trump: You are officially Richard Nixon’s revenge. Not many presidents have sought to emulate Nixon since he was forced to resign in disgrace in August 1974. But you are going there. And in many ways you are right to do so. You just need to tread warily. There is a reason Richard is not fondly remembered today — except by you.
Dirty Deal: What Trump Really Wants From Ukraine’s Natural Resources
This week has seen good, bad and ugly moments in geopolitics. And it’s ended with Donald Trump playing Blondie and Volodymyr Zelensky as Tuco. Trump has the weapons, so Zelensky has to dig.
The Realpolitik of Reality TV
It is easy to be confused when the Oval Office becomes a studio and world leaders become contestants in a geopolitical version of “The Apprentice.”
How EDI, Cancel Culture and Bad Boards Are Killing Our Universities
With British institutions copying the likes of Harvard in stifling free speech, the only way back to reason is explicit guarantees for academic freedom.
Debt Has Always Been the Ruin of Great Powers. Is the U.S. Next?
From Habsburg Spain to Trump’s America, there’s no escaping the consequences of spending more on interest payments than on defense.
J. D. Vance’s Fighting Words—Against Me and Ukraine
It is not ‘moralistic garbage’ but a hard and realistic lesson of history that wars are easy to start and hard to end.
J. D. Vance Picked a Fight in Germany. Will He Get One in China?
From Mar-a-Gaza to the Eurocrats in Munich, no one—so far—is punching back against this White House. But there is one battle the U.S. cannot afford to lose.
Trump’s New Deal
If you’re wondering why the past two weeks in American politics strike you as unprecedented, it’s because you weren’t around in 1933. No, I am not talking about Germany in 1933 (please can The New Yorker finally retire its absurd “Trump is Hitler!” analogy). I am talking about the United States in 1933 — to be precise on March 4 of that year, the day an equally radical administration began 100 days of national transformation.
Always Bet Against the Davos Man
This year, everyone here is bullish on MAGA. That’s your cue to take the other side of the trade.