How EDI, Cancel Culture and Bad Boards Are Killing Our Universities
With British institutions copying the likes of Harvard in stifling free speech, the only way back to reason is explicit guarantees for academic freedom.
Trump’s New Deal
If you’re wondering why the past two weeks in American politics strike you as unprecedented, it’s because you weren’t around in 1933. No, I am not talking about Germany in 1933 (please can The New Yorker finally retire its absurd “Trump is Hitler!” analogy). I am talking about the United States in 1933 — to be precise on March 4 of that year, the day an equally radical administration began 100 days of national transformation.
Will there be a World War Three? Israel-Hamas war risks escalation
It wasn’t just Israel taken by surprise when Hamas terrorists struck — the atrocity also stunned Washington. The US now faces threats on an unprecedented four fronts and global peace has never looked a more distant prospect
Condoleezza Rice: Is America heading for a fall? No, we’re doing OK
The former US secretary of state insists to Niall Ferguson that the US isn’t going to give up on Ukraine, won’t plunge into civil war — and is a beacon of racial harmony
Henry Kissinger at 100: what he can tell us about the world
Political fashions come and go. But his biographer says we should still listen to a statesman who’s so prescient on geopolitics
Henry Kissinger at 99: how to avoid another world war
Interview: The Cold War statesman on Putin, China and our new moment of peril
My crystal ball missed Brexit but got Donald Trump
Those who make predictions must keep a tally. So how did I do?
Coronavirus: Aids changed us. Will Covid‑19 do the same?
This virus is to social life what HIV was to sexual life.
No medicine will cure Covid‑19’s injustices
Unlike the Black Death, this pandemic is not reducing inequality.