The Tudor approach would execute Brexit
A failure of British statecraft on a scale unseen since the Suez crisis.” You might think the former transport minister Jo Johnson’s parting shot at Theresa May stood a fair chance of attaining immortality in the A-level history exams of the future.
Remembrance is hollow without brutal honesty
To my 19-year-old son, the First World War — which ended 100 years ago today — is as remote an event as the Congress of Berlin was to me when I was 19, Lloyd George as distant a figure as Disraeli.
A Democrat win needn’t spell disaster for Donald Trump
Unlike presidential elections, it is usually quite easy to predict who will win the mid-terms.
America is edging closer to civil war
At the beginning of the Cold War, the artist wife of the physicist Alexander Langsdorf came up with the image of the “Doomsday Clock”.
America is exhausted by this new Civil War
It was the week identity politics ate itself. It was the week we learnt that the Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren is between 1/1,024 and 1/64 Native American Indian.
Khashoggi’s fate: Good luck finding allies with spotless hands
There are autocrats. Look around. According to Freedom House, a quarter of the world’s states are “not free”.
Riotous spoofs reveal the scariest hack of all
Hoax academic papers expose the intellectual malware in our universities.
Christine Blasey Ford v Brett Kavanaugh: whoever wins a show trial, the rule of law loses
Ford v Kavanaugh throws a can of petrol on the bonfire of the legalities.
The China I see is losing Trump’s trade war
The president’s tariffs are widely mocked but he has found Xi’s weak spot.