Don’t give our mutual friend Trump a hard time
Britons sneer at the president, but America is in better shape than we are
Donald Trump should know, the world cannot afford another Thirty Years’ War
History suggests the US-China conflict will need a Westphalian resolution
China finds Trump does have a principle
Protectionism hurts Beijing more than the US, and plays well politically
Young Americans have no clue about socialism
Talking about the s-word could be the Democrats’ great gift to Trump
Donald Trump won’t take on Nicolas Maduro’s muchachos in Venezuela
The gangster boss is safe for now, thanks to Beijing and Moscow
Maybe it should be Joe Biden, but it won’t
Obama’s veep thinks he’s the man to beat Trump, but he’s got competition
Scorched but standing — two symbols of the West
Like Notre Dame, the US constitution has survived a grave test
Join my Nato or watch critical thinking die
A new red army is out to silence debate. We must rise up and resist it
Donald Trump is the one check on China’s European march
America seeks to tip the scales as Xi divides and rules the Continent